Frequently Asked Questions

Is this retreat open to All Levels of practice?

Yes, all levels are welcome including beginners. Please provide this information and anything else relevant on your Registration Form. 

Which styles of yoga will we be practicing?

We will be offering instruction in Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative yoga asana as well as Meditation and Yoga Nidra.

What types of spaces will we be practicing in?

All spaces are well-ventilated or completely outdoor.

Will I need to bring my mat and any other props?

You will need to bring your own yoga mat. You will be assigned a block, blanket and bolster to use personally for the entirety of the retreat

What trail will we be hiking?

Newberry Creek is right on the Indigo site. There is a Forest Service gate so vehicles do not use the road, simply walk around the Forest Service Gate and you are good to go!

Level: Easy to Strenuous

Length of Trail: Up to 5 miles one way, if you go the entire way you will end up at the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Do I have to participate in every yoga session and activity?

With the intention of your full participation in mind, your retreat has been designed to create an experience that helps grow you and your practice. However, I wholly support your discernment about your own personal needs and any decisions you make with regards to your energy expenditure. You can, and should, pace yourself to do as much, or as little, as is right for you. 

What is your refund policy?

Please be aware that all deposits are non-refundable. If you have chosen the “In Three Payments” Plan, your first installment is considered a deposit and is also non-refundable. Other monies paid, less the deposit, are refundable up to 90 days before the retreat is scheduled to begin. Should you choose to cancel within 90 days of the start of the retreat, NO refunds will be given except in the event of natural disaster or if any travel restrictions are imposed by a government or law enforcement agency that restrict travel due to Covid-19, an epidemic disease or illness suddenly affecting the region. Please also note that spaces for our retreats have been intentionally limited. If the minimum number of participants is not fulfilled upto 45 days prior to the start date of the retreat, and we choose to reschedule the retreat, all monies paid will be refunded to you.

Any updates to our policy regarding the outbreak of a disease, and the scope of policy application, will be determined based on announcements by the World Health Organization and/ or local authorities and will be relayed to you via email.